Let’s Move Martinez Forward
Support for local businesses. We need to engage more with business owners and patrons, cut red tape, and support a vibrant downtown and citywide business community. We need common sense leadership that can help businesses grow as job creators that bring vitality to our city.

Building for the next generation of Martinez. Access to housing is becoming an increasing challenge to the livability of our community, region, and state. New housing allows families and seniors to stay in the community they call home. I’ve worked on housing policy at federal, state, and local levels to increase housing access and remain committed to smart and sustainable options to support Martinez residents.

Restoring our waterfront and marina. The closure of our pier and the marina’s continued state of disrepair is a tragedy and missed opportunity. We must revitalize this serene and essential amenity that provides enjoyment for all. Our waterfront should be a destination that attracts residents and visitors. I will work with state, regional, and local officials to protect and reinvigorate our waterfront by repairing the pier, dredging the marina, and developing new sustainable opportunities for access and recreation.

Solving our homeless crisis. We need creative and long-term solutions. While Martinez is not unique in this situation, we have an obligation to work with the county and our neighboring cities to provide a sustainable and lasting solution with effective services to connect the unhoused with essential health services and job opportunities.

Improving transportation. The City Council doesn’t need to spend $100,000 of taxpayer’s money on yet another downtown parking study when we know we need to modernize parking meters and create more spaces. We also need alternative transit options and expanded bike lanes throughout the city.